Promoting responsible consumption and production, in this case, with fashion!
increase in your search visibility
in SERP for the keyword "Harmony Arnold!"
Harmony's existing website fell short on responsiveness, SERP visibility, and crucially, lacked the means for potential clients to schedule consultations. At the heart of it all, her ambition was to propel her styling business to new heights, with a new website as the foundation.
Embracing Harmony's established branding, we devised a content strategy aligned with her ideal keywords. Through extensive keyword research and user journey mapping, we charted a course forward. Anchored in three distinct phases – organization and strategy, design, and construction – we delved into themes that resonated with her brand. This holistic approach allowed us to fulfill her needs, goals, and desires, delivering a stunning website that not only looks exceptional but also robustly supports her business.
The new website achieves an impressive 69% cleaner rating compared to other web pages evaluated by Each visit to her site contributes a mere 0.28g of CO2 – seriously eco-friendly stuff! And let's not forget the aesthetics – the site looks fantastic. On top of that, we're actively monitoring its performance to ensure a conversion boost. Plus, we managed to drive up her search visibility by a solid 32%.
Harmony Arnold